Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tuesday night and Wednesday

Barb had a pretty good night. She slept well and was awaken only at 1AM for a breathing treatment. We started trying to time the requests for pain meds at the 4 hour mark.

Pain Meds = less pain.
Less pain = more able to handle needed coughing to avoid pneumonia.
More able to handle needed coughing = More able to do deep breathing exercises which opens up the lungs, helps avoid shortness of breath and also helps avoid pneumonia.

Dr Hamman stopped by and said she will probably go home tomorrow.

Barb just had another breathing treatment and should be getting breakfast soon. I'll be heading to work shortly.

Wednesday afernoon & night
Joy P dropped Donna off and Donna stayed with Barb all day. Barb says Donna has a talent for patient care. They also had a very nice visit together. Robert came by and visited and was Barb's coach on her afternoon walk. After work and drove Donna home.

1 comment:

Sherri Lemon said...

I'm so happy to hear that she is doing well. If you guys need anything please don't hesitate to ask. Mom's been keeping me posted on Barb's progress. Give her a big hug for me. Jake reads his Sammy the Salamander book at least once a day.